- Requests for funding of heritage projects and events should meet the following criteria:
- Be of heritage interest to the Region of Waterloo.
- Be a deserving project which without assistance from the Foundation may not otherwise reach completion.
- Financial support will be considered for a portion of a larger project.
- Modifying details or scope of the project may be a condition of grant approval.
Selection Process
- The initial application will be forwarded to the Allocations & Finance Committee at the first regular monthly meeting. Please submit applications two weeks before the monthly meeting.
- The committee will acknowledge the receipt of the application, ensure that all necessary documentation has been received and make a preliminary assessment of any additional information that may be necessary to make a recommendation to the Foundation.
- External expertise may be called upon by the Foundation during the application review process for additional professional comment or scrutiny.
- If the application is complete, the applicant(s) will usually be invited to attend the next or second month's regular meeting of the Foundation as a delegation, and make a 10 minute presentation of the project, and afterwards answer any questions from Foundation members. This is an excellent opportunity for applicants to provide details and expand on details not fully covered in the application.
- The full application and documentation will be included with the agenda for information of the Foundation members.
- Further discussion and consideration will take place by the Allocations & Finance Committee, which will usually make a recommendation to the Foundation for consideration at its next regular meeting.
- The Foundation's decision will be officially communicated to the applicant by mail.
- The applicant could expect to be notified by telephone or e-mail shortly after the meeting.
Complete applications can normally be decided in approximately three months.